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Thank You for your interest.
I look forward to connecting with you at the next CRC Compliance Roundtable.
One of the primary drivers for Compliance Risk Concepts (CRC) is to raise the awareness level and thought process related to real world compliance and risk issues in a “down to earth,” realistic and relatable way. The Compliance Roundtable serves as a great platform to make that happen.
As we continue to grow, I personally thank all of you for the continued support, enthusiasm and confidence demonstrated toward CRC and the brand we are building within the industry. As always, we’d love to hear how you think we are doing. Feel free to suggest topics or issues you would like to see discussed.
I invite you to download our FREE Compliance in Financial Services white paper: HAVE YOUR CAKE AND EAT IT TOO: Improve Efficiency and Turbocharge Your Threat Discovery.
Mitch Avnet
Managing Partner
Compliance Risk Concepts