Sample One Post
The world of research sure has changed over the last few decades. When the author Jeanine Oburchay, CRC Director of Research Advisory Practice, first started in the field in 1987, equity research analysts worked primarily for investment banks and broker-dealers. Landing a gig at a bulge bracket firm meant that as long as you delivered good product, created buy-side relationships, and made sure your bankers were well-served, your paycheck was pretty secure for the foreseeable future. But a lot has changed since then.
As we watch the latest changes to the world of research, this is a great time for analysts or analysts-to-be to be considering their next (or even first) move. In Research This! Complex Future for Research Analysts, Jeanine looks inside the evolving world of research including MIFID II, the state of research firm, investment bank and broker-dealer research in the post-Eliot Spitzer/Global Analyst Research Settlement age, transitioning from big firm to independence, Independent third-party research, Third party co-branding research and new opportunities for analysts that didn’t even exist just a generation ago.
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